CodySchrierDESMA9 - Week 9 Blog

 Week 9 Blog - Space + Art

Both scientists and the general public think the idea of space and the universe to be incredibly fascinating. The Power of Ten video perfectly expressed the size of our planet in relation to the universe. Although we have come a long way in understanding the universe, there is still a great deal more for us to learn. Advances in mathematics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and robotics are all part of this space exploration (Vesna).

Copernicus used mathematics from the beginning of his interest in space exploration to establish that everything revolves around the sun in rings (Vesna). The discovery of our planet's orbit around the sun gave humans the ability to construct a calendar, seasons, birthdays, and other events. We also developed a greater curiosity about stars and the significance of their positions in space. The obsession with space has a strong connection to the meaning of astrological signs. Thanks to mathematics and nanotechnology, we can grasp astrological signs and how our orbital systems work. Twelve signs were chosen to symbolize various points in time in Earth's orbit around the sun.  

Riley, Patrick  O’Neill. “Zodiac Signs .” Britannica Accessed 28 May 2024. 

The largest factor speeding up space research was the Space Race between the US and the USSR. The Soviet Union's 1956 satellite launch of Sputnik inspired the United States to match and surpass their rival country (Vesna). America suffered great embarrassment when its repeated attempts to launch a new satellite into space failed. According to B.E. Johnson, the most significant gift we can give to our heritage, future, and future selves is technology and the recording of it, as well as art and its expression. We have come far and have far to go (Malina). Despite our repeated failures, these setbacks spurred improvements in technology and knowledge, ultimately supporting the 1969 moon landing endeavor.

Thiessen, Mark. “Sputnik .” Oct 4, 1957 CE: USSR Launches Sputnik, National Geographic, Accessed 28 May 2024. 

Elon Musk and his SpaceX idea for Mars colonization come to mind when we consider space travel in the modern era. With President Obama's signature of the NASA Authorization Act of 2010, space flight entered the commercial sector, ushering in an incredibly exciting new era of space exploration, research, and development (Vesna).

 NASA. “Man on the Moon.” U.S. Department of Defense Accessed 28 May 2024. 


Malina, Roger, et al. “The Leonardo Space Art Project Working Group.” Leonardo Space Art Project Visioneers, 1996,

Vesna, Vicotria, director. Space IntroYouTube, YouTube, 26 Mar. 2012, Accessed 28 May 2024. 

Vesna, Victoria, director. 8 Space Pt1 1280-720YouTube, YouTube, 29 July 2013, 28 May 2024.

Vesna, Victoria, director. 8 Space Pt2 1280x720YouTube, YouTube, 29 July 2013, 28 May 2024. 

Vesna, Victoria, director. Space Pt4YouTube, YouTube, 30 May 2012, 28 May 2024.


  1. Hi Cody, great job on your blog! I also thought it was interesting how far back in history space exploration went, all the way to Copernicus. I like how you talked about this weeks topic in the context of history and how it influenced space exploration, it was really insightful and informative.


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